• Static measuring

Качество продукта и результатпроизводственного процессаможно значительно улучшить приусловии выявления и эффективногоразрешения проблем, связанныхсо статическим электричеством. Измерители электростатическогополя являются инструментами, облегчающими выявление проблем,связанными с электростатическимизарядами.

How do static meters look like

The Simco-Ion Static meters come in different shapes and lenghts, all using dedicated electrical field sensors in one or more configuration. The compact handheld meter, the FMX-004 is the most common used electrostatic fieldmeter used for measuring static electricity. The rugged tool is standard tooling for many operators and is available in many production factories worldwide. The FMX-004 is also used by students to measure objects in laboratory environments. In production lines the IQ Easy Static Sensor Bar is used in many different lenghts up to 4 meters in length.


How does measuring static electricity look like

How can I measure static electricity?

Measuring static electricity is not a difficult process. The FMX-004 comes with a full manual and you can find a complete video online on how to measure static energy with the FMX-004 here. The Manager IQ Easy and specially the Static Sensor Bar provides options for full controll of static energy in both levels and polarity. A video concerning all options for full controll can be found here


Measure Static Electricity yourself

Simco-Ion provides you with a low-cost option to measure static electricity yourself. Chat with us to find out what we can do for you in these extraordinary times and still make sure you get the best service!


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