Discover what the control of static electricity can do in your production process
The exhibitions we participate at, are an excellent way to give you the chance to discover what the control of static electricity actually can do in your production process. It is also an opportunity to meet our sales managers for a solid advice and to become informed about the innovative solutions we offer.
Last year we have participated in the following exhibitions:
The Empack is the packaging trade fair of the Netherlands.
This year this exhibition took place from 10-12 April in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht.
Most of our visitors did have questions like:
- Can you come visit us to do a static measuring and advise us how we can solve our problem with static electricity in our process?
- Our workers get electrical shocks. How can you solve this problem?
- Can you solve our problem with dust attraction on our material?
- Our process gets often disrupted due to static charges. Can you advise what to do?
When you still have unanswered questions after reading the linked pages to the questions above, you can contact your contact person in your region. Go to
The next edition of the Empack will take place from 3-4 April 2019 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.
On booth 1F113 you can meet Wouter Halfwerk, Sales Manager Nederland, and Niels ter Hove, Sales Manager France and Southern Germany.

This Dutch exhibition is held every year in Veldhoven. This year was the 20th edition.
It’s a meeting place for the entire plastics and rubber industry.
The next edition will take place 25 and 26 September 2019.

This fair took place from 25-27 September in Nürnberg, Germany.
FachPack is one of the most important European trade fairs in the field of packaging.
On the Simco-Ion booth visitors got answers to questions related to static electricity such as:
- I have a labelling machine and want to eliminate the static charge on the labels. Can you advise me which ionisers I need and how and where in the production process I have to install them?
- Can you show me why it’s better to use a IQ Easy system instead of separate ionising and charging equipment?
- Can you give me more information about the IQ Easy platform?
- Our film attracts lots of dust because of static charges. Can you advise us what to do?
- We have problems with static charge in our printing machine. Can you visit us so you can give us advice?
- I want to detect perforations to count bags. Do you have a solution for us?
- How can we prevent a stack of papers from shifting or fall over until it will be wrapped?
- We always have problems with dust attraction in our injection moulding machine, can you help us?
- The web of our tablet press is contaminated with dust. How can we remove the dust and prevent dust from being reattracted?
Niels ter Hove, Sales Manager France and Southern Germany, and Erwin van ‘t Hul, Marketing Manager, from Simco-Ion and Thorsten Hildenbrand and Kevin Egner, both Area Sales Manager at Ziegener + Frick GmbH (one of our German representatives), where there to tell visitors everything about static electricity in (pharma) packaging processes.
The next edition of the FachPack will take place from 24-26 September 2019.

Fakuma is the world’s leading technical event for industrial plastics processing. The exhibition took place from 16-20 October in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
Simco-Ion was participating at the Fakuma together with one of our representatives, Ziegener + Frick. Since 1972 Simco-Ion and Ziegener + Frick are a strong team in solutions in the field of static bonding and static elimination.
There were several companies at the Fakuma that showed their machines with Simco-Ion equipment installed. A few examples:
- INMOLD PLAST d.o.o., one could see Simco-Ion’s CM lite charging generator and Easycore in action.
- Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH showed our CMME charging generator, pinner serie and anti-static bar Performax Easy on their injection moulding machine.
- H. MÜLLER-Fabrique de Moules SA showed our CMME charging generator on their IML machine.
- Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH showed our CMME charging generator on their IML machine.
- Ilsemann Automation Ndlg. der Heino Ilsemann GmbH installed our CM lite charging generator and Easycore on their IML machine.
- Tecnomatic s.r.l. was showing our CM lite charging generator and pinner serie on their IML machine.
The next edition of the Fakuma will take place from 13-17 October 2020.
Some of our representatives were also showing Simco-Ion equipment at several exhibitions all around Europe.
In March the Maintenance took place in Antwerp, Belgium. Our Belgian representative, Rycobel nv, was present there, showing Simco-Ion equipment. Maintenance is the largest event related to production-focused maintenance.
Messe SIAMS is the trade fair for microtechnology production tools. Our representative, TeSe AG, was present at this exhibition which took place from 17-20 April in Moutier, Switzerland.
From 22 till 25 May our representative, KM-SYSTEM Mariusz Chmielewski, Krzysztof Słowik s.c., participated at the Plastpol 2018 in Kielce, Poland. The International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing at Targi Kielce was the showcase for over 800 companies from 36 countries.
Our Italian representative PROCHEMA S.r.l. was exhibiting with Simco-Ion equipment at the Plast 2018 in Italy. The Plast is one of the most important exhibitions for plastics and rubber industry worldwide.
From 12 till 15 October the Syskevasia took place in Greece. Our Greek representative, Flora (Dimitrios) Marinis, was present at this exhibition to show Simco-Ion solutions.
Northern Europe's no.1 packaging exhibition, Scanpack, was held from 23-26 October in Gothenburg, Sweden. Our representative in Denmark, Northern Grafics ApS, was participating on this exhibition. Northern Grafics ApS informed visitors about how static electricity in their process can maximize their profit.